Utah StyleListe Magazine, the Fashion and Beauty Magazine for Utah Women, is having a WRITING CONTEST!
Instead of us writing our blog, and our takes on fashion in Utah, we want you to write about your takes and thoughts on fashion and beauty in Utah. Readers of the blog can comment and leave their vote on who their favorite personality, style, or writer is, and the winner will get the opportunity to write in an issue of the magazine.
We want to know all your ideas, thoughts, and takes on fashion, style, and beauty in Utah. Submissions can be anything i.e. stories, experiences, pictures, blurbs, articles, thoughts, etc. In any form that you wish to convey your message of Utah Fashion i.e. pictures, stories, artcles, poems, etc.
Send your submissions to
socialmedia@styleliste.com, and we will publish it to the blog for you. Then have your friends and family go to our blog at
http://www.utstyleliste.blogspot.com/ and leave their vote in the comments.
We cant wait to see all of your creativity and personality. Have fun- and we will annonce the winner at the end of January (hint: the more you submit your work, the more chances and opportunity you have to win!)
Great idea. Can't wait!