Utah StyleListe Magazine, the Fashion and Beauty Magazine for Utah Women,
is having a WRITING CONTEST!
Instead of us writing our blog, and our takes on fashion in Utah, we want you to write about your takes and thoughts on fashion and beauty in Utah. Readers of the blog can comment and leave their vote on who their favorite personality, style, or writer is, and the winner will get the opportunity to write in an issue of the magazine.
We want to know all your ideas, thoughts, and takes on fashion, style, and beauty in Utah. Submissions can be anything i.e. stories, experiences, pictures, blurbs, articles, thoughts, etc. In any form that you wish to convey your message of Utah Fashion i.e. pictures, stories, artcles, poems, etc.

Send your submissions to socialmedia@styleliste.com, and we will publish it to the blog for you. Then have your friends and family go to our blog at http://www.utstyleliste.blogspot.com/ and leave their vote in the comments.

We cant wait to see all of your creativity and personality. Have fun- and we will annonce the winner at the end of January (hint: the more you submit your work, the more chances and opportunity you have to win!)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Reviving Individual Style by Rebecca Hansen

What is personal style? It’s a question I’ve been asking myself a lot lately. A seemingly simple concept, yet I’ve found myself wrestling with the answer. Is it what you would wear if money were of no concern? Or is it how you dress when no one is looking? One of my New Year’s resolutions is to answer this question for myself, but I seem to have lost what was once a firm grasp on my personal style.

After graduation from high school, I went through this odd phase. All through high school I had a very distinct personal style: trendy. I was a bit of a fashion addict. But without that daily dose of social interaction I found myself getting, well, lazy. Very lazy. I went from planning my outfits every day to wearing oversized t-shirts and sneakers. I quit wearing makeup and barely did my hair.

In college I attempted to revive what was left of my personal style, which was flat lining fast. For the next several years I yo-yo’d back and forth. On one extreme I would vow to start buying more bold and trendy pieces. Then I’d purchase and wear said pieces and feel like a woman wearing a pink prom dress to a funeral: over dressed and completely inappropriate. So I would resign to wearing a more casual wardrobe, attempting to convince myself that I would be happier if I fit in better with the jeans-and-hoodies college crowd. But I was still left wanting, feeling that I was truly missing something important in my life. Melodramatic, no?

So I started to think about what had changed. I mean, fashion used to be fun for me. I used to look through the magazines for ideas and inspiration, and then I’d adapt what I liked to work for me. And that’s when it hit me. I should just wear what I like. If I feel good, that’s really all that matters. So what if today I feel like wearing a black v-neck tee, jeans and flats. Tomorrow I may feel like wearing a boyfriend blazer, leggings and knee-high boots. Or maybe a retro floral dress with textured tights and kitten heels. Who says I have to limit myself to one style. If I like trying new things, and letting my mood dictate my style, who’s to say that’s wrong? Maybe that’s the key to true personal style: a sense of honesty to self. And being unapologetic about it.


  1. What a great post Rebecca, my vote is for you!

  2. Aaaa what are Kitten heals? I sure wish I could have someone dictate my fashion sense...I don't have any! I really liked your post...I vote for you too.

  3. I totally agree! You have my vote!

  4. I am the same way. Thanks! I vote for you!

  5. I feel your pain. Nobody understands me either. Ha. Nice article I guess I can vote for you to.

  6. I agree! You don't listen to just one kind of music or eat only one type of food. Besides, style is simply a description of the collective choices after they were made. Not something to shoe-horn yourself into. Thanks for this great piece. You've got my vote!

  7. This blog is great...but the color is killing my eyes. Change the crazy (and hard to read) white on green and I'll visit it more often.

  8. Thank you for putting to words what I have been struggling with. I have always thought that you had to be either hip, casual, preppy, or modern. It is great to have someone speak my language and express what I have been trying to understand. I shall wear my Mickey Tshirt, jeans, and UGGs with pride! I vote for you Rebecca Hansen. You are the anchor which gives my spirit the freedom to soar!

  9. Becky, I so agree. We are expressing ourselves by our fashion choices an sometimes lose sight of that. I vote for your post.

  10. I'm with you, Babe. Although, I lost all sense of style with the birth of my second child. But I've always believed in wearing what feels good and looks good on YOU! You've got my vote!

    And I agree with the previous poster whose retinas have been burnt to a cinder by this green. Ouch!

  11. Becky, I totally agree with you...and sometimes I let my body dictate my style..which shouldn't be the case either. You have my vote!!

  12. I think you always look great!!! i vote for ya!

  13. Sometimes I like to wear obnoxious headbands pocahontas style. Sometimes I like to wear douchy fedoras just because it makes me feel like my true jack-ass self. At the end of the day life is too short not to have fun with your every day style. People who don't are simply boring. Good post. My vote is for you!

  14. My vote is yours!

  15. I TOTALLY know what you mean! I always feel like I fit in with the hoodie and jeans crowd, too, but I'm a sucker for European street fashion. Love it.
    I'm voting for you!

  16. Love your blogs! You have a gift!! My vote is for you.

  17. Seriously! My style can be completely different from one day to the next depending on how I'm feeling, and I'm glad you just justified that :)
    I'll not worry so much that you saw me in a shlubby man hoodie yesterday, because that's just how I was feeling!! :) I vote for you.

  18. ok i like the artical but the green on white is sore on the eyes. I vote for you

  19. Anything can be fashionable if you act confident in it. Here's a vote. But change that green!

  20. Nice work Rebecca. I vote for you!

  21. Great Job! I totally agree, and loved your comment about being unapologetic. If we love what we're wearing, then we shouldn't worry about what others think. You have my vote!
